Thursday, May 07, 2009


Frida Preggo

This is Bianca, my oldest friend in New York, who is forever going round having babies. Okay, this is only her second. Her first, Miles, is just learning to talk (in French, Spanish and English, naturally) and I love hearing them go back and forth with each other because, living in LA, I so miss east coast accents. Example (mother and child playing with a toy):

Miles: "Gimme!"
Bianca: "FUH-gedda-boud-it!"

With her black hair, braids,rose and red lips, Bianca may look like Frida Kahlo, but, I swear she sounds like James Gandolfini.

(I want to know: when you become a mum, do you automatically get mom-skillz or do you work for them? I stayed with a girlfriend whose cat had a right old feel of my eyelids in the night, and I was too sleepy to push it off the bed. In the morning my left eye was totally bloodshot and swollen. Everybody said "Rinse with saline", "Go to the doctor", "Use droplets from Wholefoods" and Bianca was the one who said "Rinse that motherfucker with water and do not stop until I tell you" - like I said: Tony Soprano. Anyway, it worked. Completely. Just lots and lots of water. That was a pretty boring story, but I am genuinely interested about whether your wisdom hormones morph with child birth, because we surely did do some really dumb things when we met ten years ago).

emsie and *fatty*....tsk tsk tsk disrespectful :-)LOL
I love the way you curl around your friends to show the love ms cat-person!

I had the joy of being able to eavesdrop on a Chelsea-nanny looking after her toddler charge, James, on the bus yesterday as he was swaithed in his jeep-cherokee-pushchair.

She was reading James the ladybird version of "Happy Feet" and was gamely putting on the accents all the way through, with her perfect clipped elocution only betraying her when she had to say "You da bomb, yo!"

(Every time I hear the word "hilarious" I automatically substitute it for my darling Jason's Queens version: "HIGHlarious"- I miss the east coast!)
Frida Preggo? Haaa! It's so true with that hairdo. She's adorable and I miss the East coast accents from time to time as well. In my neck of the woods, people know right away I'm not from around here.
Did you know there were three heads of angry cabbage staring out at you guys? Lurking behind you to rescue the red rose in B's hair.
Meant to ask where did you get the bangle? Really cute
Very sweet post and picture :-) thank you for sharing that!
Bracelet from the artistic Bianca. Im in Florence with little net connection so sorry for late comment postings...
**Did you know there were three heads of angry cabbage staring out at you guys? Lurking behind you to rescue the red rose in B's hair.**

LMAO!!! Cleo, you're a hoot!
Does Bianca have a web page?
Cleo you crack me up! I can just see it now.

I love the east coast accent. I never used to be able to hear the difference, but then I made a friend from Pittsburgh and she sounded way different from my friend in Arizona and I started to be able to tell it apart. There's something fun and lively about the east coast sounds :-)
Never under estimate the power of chlorophyll. Veggies are powerful things. Prince Charles talks to them and he's one of the riches men in the World.
Cleo :-P okay now I've officially declared you a genius :-P wait for it and the White House will be taken over by cabbage!
**Veggies are powerful things. Prince Charles talks to them and he's one of the riches men in the World.**

LMAO - the sequal!!!

And what does that say about Prince Charles? LOL (that he's bonkers - *insert whisper here*!)
A la "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" J. R. ??

LMAO - Part three...:)
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